Summer Vacation Bible School (SVBS) is a fun-packed program that churches conduct to reach out to the kids and the community. It is still the best evangelistic outreach to children who don’t usually go to church. And not just for kids, but also for adults as well–because you connect with families through their kids.

It is also an avenue for church members to be actively involved and to discover their God-given gifts and talents. SVBS will help the church discover future teachers and workers for children’s ministry.

My Father’s Joy Kingdom is our newest SVBS Curriculum released in 2024! Join the adventure in the Joy Kingdom and experience righteousness, peace, and joy from King-Dad’s Holy Spirit. 

The Great Climb is a five-day program where children are challenged to climb and overcome life’s great mountains and barriers! This VBS curriculum aims to help children know that God is with them and will give them strength, guidance and victory as they journey in life over mountains and hindrances! Likewise to encourage them to follow Jesus as His disciples in the journey of life until the end.

Ocean Exploration is Source Publishing’s first SVBS curriculum! Ocean Exploration is also a five-day program where children dive deep to explore the unfathomable depths of God’s love for them. This VBS curriculum aims to help the children find the treasures God has in store for them and to encourage them to respond with faith, obedience, and life transformation.

More Information about Our SVBS

Why Choose Our SVBS?

Source Publishing’s SVBS program stands out from the rest because of its unique purpose and design. These distinctions make it easy for you to present our SVBS Curriculum to your church pastor and administration.

Staff and Teacher-friendly

Your SVBS staff and teachers are the heart and the ingredients for success of each year’s SVBS. They are the welcoming handshakes, the hugging arms, the encouraging words, and the intercessory prayers, so each curriculum is intentionally designed to make it easy for them to get on board the program.

Easy-to-learn Bible Truths

The Belief Boosters or daily topics focus on kids knowing God’s love more and more each day. Everything about Ocean Exploration, The Great Climb and My Father’s Joy Kingdom–the songs, Bible stories, hands-on and worksheet activities, crafts, and games–further help kids know all about the wonderful love of God. Regular Sunday School kids will enjoy exploring God’s love not only in a fresh and deeper way, in long and greater heights, but also to experience the wonderful and fun kingdom of our King-Dad, while new kids will begin to know God in a level that they can easily appreciate.

Ministry and Discipleship-focused

Both a ministry opportunity and a bridge event for the discipleship not only of children, but of their entire families. Adult and teen church members are encouraged to commit as SVBS staffer or teacher every year as KidMin (Kids’ Ministry) volunteer pool.

On-the-go Materials

Aside from the lessons themselves, all pre-event, lesson worksheets, and post-event resources are also available for download and easy reproduction. No more lugging around big boxes of materials from site to site. No more need to shoulder multiple shipping fees to order extra prints of certificates or forms. With SVBS’ online resources, multiple sites can access their materials any time and cut their preparation time in half!

Shows Love in Action

While it’s awesome to talk, sing, and play about God’s love together, it’s even better to share it with others! Instead of making craft projects for themselves in the usual VBS program, kids either in Ocean Exploration, The Great Climb, and My Father’s Joy Kingdom will spend two days working on one big project that they’ll give away to kids they will invite to post-SVBS Sunday School and next year’s SVBS.

One Size Fits All

Our SVBS Curriculum can be adjusted to fit a range of settings and audiences with a snap of the fingers. So whether your SVBS will have lots of space to work with, just have one classroom available, or will be taught out on the streets, these are just the best SVBS curriculum for you!

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